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  |  Central Vacuum System   |  Why is it necessary to have a check on indoor air quality?

Indoor air quality may be defined as the quality of air inside a building or a structure and all around the building. The quality air should be pure and not be polluted since any living being may cause health concerns if they breathe the air. So understanding and eradicating indoor air pollution is crucial for all of us to avoid the risk of indoor health concerns. These health effects from poor indoor air quality may affect you immediately after the exposure, or possibly years later.

If a person is affected from single exposure or repeated exposure to the air pollution instantly that may include irritation of eyes, nasal irritation, throat infections, dizziness, nausea, headache, fatigue. These are the symptoms that we often see if the person is affected by poor indoor air quality. The immediate reactions to indoor air pollution may also depend on several factors like age and pre-existing medical conditions. Detecting them at an early stage will help you to stop the risk of future damage to your respiratory system.

Some effects show up later after years of exposure or after repeated exposure to air pollution. These effects are more harmful and even have a risk of taking your life. These effects usually cause respiratory diseases, cancers, skin allergies that last for a long period, heart diseases, and can be severely debilitating or fatal. It is important to improve your air quality inside the home even if you have not noticed any harmful systems.

Detecting the sources that cause indoor air pollution is vital for every one to protect their family from impure air inside the home. There are many indoor air pollutant sources like building materials with hard chemicals on walls that may release harmful gases which we are not aware of. A few products that we use for cleaning households also have chemical effects that cause air pollution. Fuel burning combustion appliances like wood, plastic etc may also cause harmful effects to our health. Hobbies like smoking tobacco burning, mosquito coils may also cause allergies leading to respiratory diseases. We should always check the humidity levels like heating and cooling systems and should maintain proper air quality. We can invest in the best fresh air system that will serve all our cleaning purposes to purify the air.

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